Safeguarding Services

Our safeguarding portfolio is specifically tailored to meet the needs of educational institutions and ensure compliance with KCSIE regulations. We offer a range of tools and resources designed to create a safe and secure online environment for students, teachers, and staff. From content moderation to user reporting and abuse prevention measures, our comprehensive suite of features is designed to protect your school community from harmful content and behavior. Trust us to keep your school safe and compliant.
Safeguarding Links
Explore the below resources provided by our partner LGfL as well as other external sources. They are designed to assist you in enhancing safeguarding measures, refining policies and practices, and offering support to parents.
Types of harm
Children can experience abuse and harm in various ways. Click here to find out more about how to prevent harm and protect children from these
Consultations and Updates to Government Guidance
The following resources have been developed to help schools keep up to date with statutory and non-statutory guidance related to safeguarding
The journey - from receiving 'the call' through to grading. Find out how the inspection is much more than the handbook list of information to provide
Take a look at these safeguarding resources from both within and outside of LGfL to help you with teaching and learning, improving policies and practice and supporting parents
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
LGFL have made this video to outline all key changes to KCSIE and some points for reflection
Schools often ask us for support speaking to parents around safeguarding issues, especially (but not only) regarding online safety and devices.