Why Choose SIPS IT?
Here to help
As experts in Information Technology, we specialise in providing unparalleled IT services tailored to meet the unique needs of schools. We work with your school to understand, create and deliver your IT strategy.
Who we are
SIPS is the not-for-profit education support services provider for Sandwell, the Black Country and the West Midlands.
Our mutual status enables us to focus on people, communities and places.
Our primary purpose is not to make huge profits, but to enrich children and young people’s learning and well-being through excellent service partnerships and products.
We’re owned and governed by schools – who are co-operative voting members of the organisation; the SIPS board is made up of representative community headteachers and local authority colleagues.
What we do
We’ve crafted a proven customer-focused approach to get to know your individual demands, and offer assistance when and where they’re needed.
SIPS’ versatility and expertise are underlined by our many established working relationships within the mainstream and specialist sectors.
We can help...
Primary schools
Secondary schools
Maintained schools
Special schools
Our overarching aim is to become the first-choice education service provider in the region. We do this by offering high quality, effective services that are tailored to meet the needs and expectations of our members and clients.